
Our Experience from the Frontlines of COVID-19

My husband’s first rotation was night shift on the COVID unit in July. Nothing says welcome to the first year out of medical school in internal medicine like a viral pandemic. Our closest friends and family often don’t realize the ins and outs of life of...

Safely Anchored

<p value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80">My three-year-old daughter came home from preschool last week using the term "stinky butt!" without a pause...

An Answer for those Married but Single Parenting

Yesterday, while shopping at Sam’s Club the kids and I of course stopped by the pancake and syrup samples lady. It was organic syrup so I didn’t feel quite as bad allowing my children to devour…allowing myself to devour a piece. A middle aged,...